Audio-Visual and Literary Translation
Translator’s bio:
Janet Livingstone was born in Boston, Massachusetts and ventured to Czechoslovakia just after the 1989 Velvet Revolution. Having lived in Bratislava, Slovakia for over 15 years, the city remains her second home. In 2003, she began translating films and plays from Slovak to English and hasn’t looked back since. Among her full-length book translations are Seeing People Off and Away! Away! by Jana Beňová, as well as The Best of All Worlds by prize-winning Slovak-Swiss author, Irena Brežná. Janet lives in Seattle and also speaks French, Italian, Russian, Spanish and elementary Japanese to anyone who will listen.
Her works include:
Films scripts and subtitles:
All My Husband’s Women
Pokoj v duši (Soul at Peace)
Dom (The House)
Pred odletom, Barbora Hrinová
Attonitas, Jaroslav Mottl
Koza, Marian Leščak
Communism by Viliam Klimáček
Rabínka (The Woman Rabbi), Anna Grusková
Na slepacích krídlach (The Best of All Worlds), Irena Brezná
Piata lod’ (The Fifth Boat), Monika Kompaníková (due out in 2022 from Seagull Books)
Juliet a ta druha, Gabriela Revická
Daedalus Anthology of Slovak Literature: stories by Monika Kompaníková, Václav Pankovčín and Milo Urban.
Other works
Superstar Egg, Iveta Maronek (children’s book)
Master your Stage Fright, by Slovak violinist, Bohdan Warchal
Active Citizenship and the Nongovernmental Sector in Slovakia, Martin Bútora et. al.
Arabský svet, iná planéta (The Arab World, Another Planet?), Emire Khidayer